The Top Five Regrets of the Dying

In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle, often forgetting to pause and reflect on what truly matters. It was during one such moment of introspection that I found a book that impacted my perspective on life. 

‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’ by Bronnie Ware is a collection of insights and life lessons gathered from those who faced the end of their journey with a longing for different choices. 

In this blog post, I want to share with you not only the important quotes from the book but also how I’ve made it a practice to write them down, ensuring that these lessons stay with me and guide my future. 

Regret 1: I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me

It takes courage to be true to yourself, not living up to others’ expectations.


“Surrender is not giving up, far from it. Surrender takes an enormous amount of courage. Often we are only capable of doing so when the pain of trying to control the outcome becomes too much to bear. Reaching that point is actually liberating, even if it is not fun. Being able to accept that there is absolutely nothing more you can do, other than that it over to the greater force, is the catalyst the finally opens the flow.”

Surrendering control when things become unbearable takes courage and can be liberating.

“Learning from what happened then allowed me to forgive myself, and that is the greatest forgiveness of all.”

Learn from your past and forgive yourself; self-forgiveness is powerful.

“Being the black sheep in any family is never easy. Black sheep have a different role to play in family dynamics, but it is rarely a comfortable one.”

Being different in your family can be challenging but plays a unique role.

“Compassion starts with yourself.”

Self-compassion is essential; it starts with being kind to yourself.

“So if we were all to become a product or our environment, the best thing I could do was to choose the right environments from here on, ones that would suit the direction I wanted my life to move towards. It was still going to take courage to live the way I wanted, but this new awareness of choosing the right environment would at least make the journey easier.”

Choose environments that align with your desired life direction, even if it requires courage.


This regret emphasizes the importance of authenticity, self-forgiveness, self-compassion, and the courage to choose your own path.

Regret 2: I wish I hadn’t worked so hard

Don’t overwork for material validation. Balance your life, appreciate its gift, and avoid a victim mentality.


“Why do we depend on so much on the material world to validate us?”

Material Validation: Don’t rely on the material world to validate your worth; it won’t make you happy.

“Don’t work too hard. Try to maintain balance. Don’t make work your whole life.”

Maintain Balance: Find a balance between work and life; don’t let work consume your existence.

“People play victim forever. But who are they kidding? They are only robbing themselves. Life doesn’t owe you anything. Neither does anyone else. Only you owe yourself. So the best way to make the most out of life is to appreciate the gift of it, and choose not to be a victim.”

Avoid Victim Mentality: Playing the victim robs you of happiness; life doesn’t owe you anything.

“There is a fine line between compassion and a victim mentality. Compassion, though, is a healing force and comes from a place of kindness towards yourself. Playing victim is a toxic waste of time. It not only repels other people, it also robs the victim of ever knowing true happiness. No-one owes us anything. We only owe it to ourselves to get off our backsides, count our blessings, and face our challenges. When you live from that perspective, the gifts pour forth.”

Cultivate Compassion: Understand the difference between compassion and victimhood; choose kindness toward yourself.

“When you are doing work you love, it doesn’t feel like work. It is simply a natural extension of what you are.”

Love Your Work: Pursue work you love; it feels natural and fulfilling, not like a burden.

“Money is so misunderstood. It keeps people in the wrong jobs forever because they think they won’t be able to make money doing what they love, when it can really be the other way around. If you totally love what you do, you can become more open to the flow of money, because you are more absorbed in your work and are happier as a person. Of course, it takes some time to change your thinking and stop trying to work out how the money will come.”

Money and Happiness: Change your thinking about money; it’s an energy that flows when you’re happy with your work.

“Fear blocks us up entirely. Money is just another kind of energy, one that wants to bring good and happiness. But we use it wrongly, giving it power, chasing it, fearing it, unbalancing our lives in its pursuit, as we obsess over it. It is as available as the air we breathe. We don’t waste our time worrying if there will be enough air. We shouldn’t waste our time worrying if there will be enough money. Those very thoughts are what block the natural flow of this loving, creative energy to us.”

Overcome Fear: Don’t let fear block the natural flow of money; it’s as available as the air we breathe.

“Community was also a way of simplicity. If we work together as a community, we don’t need as many resources. There is less waste and we learn to help each other out. Ego and pride stop many communities from ever being born or developed. If we want to live more simply and resourcefully, it is important to start understanding the huge importance of community in the area we live in.”

Community and Simplicity: Work together in communities for simplicity and resourcefulness.

“Keep it simple.”

Embrace Simplicity: Keep life simple; it’s the path to true happiness.


This regret highlights the importance of balance, self-appreciation, community, and simplifying life for true happiness.

Regret 3: I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings

Express your feelings to loved ones, as time is uncertain, and relationships and honesty are essential.


“I was not going to find myself regretting things as dear Jozsef had. It was time to be more courageous and to start expressing my feelings more.”

Express feelings with courage to avoid future regrets.

“We must learn to express our feelings now. Not when it is too late. None of us know when it will be too late. Tell people you love them. Tell them you appreciate them. If they can’t accept your honesty or react in a different way to how you hoped, it doesn’t matter. What matters is you have told them.”

Don’t wait for the right moment; express love and appreciation now.

“It is too easy to get caught up in life and not spend as much time with people you love, whether that be family or friends. But we really must get back to relationships and honesty. People don’t realise how important this is, until they are dying themselves or living with the guilt after someone else has died.”

Prioritize relationships and honesty, as their importance becomes evident when facing loss.

“These days, friendship is without pressure from either side.”

Cultivate friendships free from pressure, allowing them to develop naturally.

“Assuming others know how you feel and that you will always be there are high risks to take. They could be dead in an hour, so could any of us. We risk paying a high price if we take people for granted.”

Don’t assume others know your feelings; express them openly and don’t take people for granted.


This regret underscores the significance of open communication, honesty, and the importance of expressing feelings in relationships, especially before it’s too late.

Regret 4: I wish I’d stayed in touch with my friends

Don’t isolate yourself to avoid pain. Let love back in through connections with friends.


“It was the misled belief many people experience, that if you keep people out, you keep the pain out. You stop yourself from being hurt more. If no one can get close, then no one can hurt you anymore either. The only real way to heal is to let love flow in and through again, not to block it out, but reaching that point can take a long time.”

Misguided belief: Avoiding people to avoid pain is counterproductive; healing requires reconnecting.

“Loneliness isn’t a lack of people. It is a lack of understanding and acceptance.”

Loneliness isn’t just about being alone; it’s a lack of understanding and acceptance.

“Women value friendships in a stronger way emotionally – their friendships grow closer with a lot of talk about emotional things. Men need friendships for talking too, but they do this best when they are doing things together. Men enjoy friendships where they can work things out, resolve problems, whether physical or emotional, and this often happens best when they are active.”

Friendships are essential for emotional well-being; women focus on emotional conversations, while men bond through shared activities.


This regret emphasizes the importance of maintaining friendships, understanding the true nature of loneliness, and the different ways in which men and women build and value their friendships.

Regret 5: I wish I had let myself be happier

Choose to focus on positive aspects, express emotions, appreciate the present, value personal freedom, prioritize love over trivial matters, and smile.


“We have the freedom to choose what we focus on. I try to choose the positive stuff, like getting to know you, like doing work I love, not being under pressure to reach sales targets, and appreciating my health and everyday of being alive.”

Focus on the positive aspects of life, such as meaningful relationships and enjoyable work.

“Just allow her to express herself honestly by not changing the subject when she shares how she is feeling. She needs to say stuff and all you need to do is allow her to. You don’t have to carry it as well. She’s not asking you to. She just needs to tell you how much she loves you and she can’t do it without crying or without you letting her.”

Allow loved ones to express themselves honestly; be a supportive listener.

“Happiness is now and that is where I was.”

Happiness is in the present moment, so appreciate it now.

“Most of my decisions were based on how they would affect that freedom and I shaped my life accordingly. Freedom can be enjoyed in regular life too. It is a state of mind more than anything. The freedom to be you is the greatest freedom of all, regardless of the town or suburb you live in.”

Make life decisions that protect your personal freedom and allow you to be yourself.

“Many partners think they own each other. While there is a definitely need for compromise and commitment in any relationship, it is up to each individual to maintain a sense of his or her self.”

Maintain your individuality within relationships; compromise without losing your sense of self.

“Don’t worry about the little stuff. None of it matters. Only love matters. If you remember this, that love is always present, it will be a good life.”

Prioritize love over trivial worries; love is always present in life.

“Smile and know.”


This regret highlights the importance of choosing positivity, emotional expression, appreciating the present, valuing personal freedom, maintaining individuality in relationships, and focusing on love and happiness.

Get your own copy of ‘The Top Five Regrets of the Dying’ to read more on the author’s life journey as a carer and the stories revolving the regrets of the dying.

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