
Manifest by Roxie Nafousi is a guide to feel more empowered in our lives. Understand the true art of manifestation and transform the dream life into reality using the 7 steps:

1. Be clear in your vision

2. Remove fear and doubt

3. Align your behavior

4. Overcome tests from the universe

5. Embrace gratitude without caveats

6. Turn envy into inspiration

7. Trust in the universe


  1. Understand yourself better by diving deep into our own mind. Figure out what we want to achieve in life and create a vision board. Make actionable habits to work towards those goals.
  2. Be mindful with our mindset and actions. If we want to attract positivity, whether it is in the form of experience, people or opportunities, we should focus on the energy we emit.
  3. Focus on ourselves; don’t worry about comparing ourselves to other people.



Manifesting is a meeting of science and wisdom; it is a philosophy to live by and a self-development practice to help you live your best life.

Step 1: Be Clear in Your Vision

You can’t get to where you want to go if you don’t know where it is you are headed

When we start to regularly practise visualising the things that we want, our brain responds by altering our behaviour patterns and our interpretations of our surroundings in line with the imagined goals

Be as specific as you can when you are designing your dreams

We attract what we feel

Focus your visualisations solely on how you want to feel when you are feeling lost, directionless or stuck in their lives

When visualising your ideal future, visualise not just what you want to manifest, but the person that you want to be

The greatest gift that manifesting can offer us is not to help us attract things for us to possess but to help us unleash the most empowered, authentic, self-loving and truly magnificent version of ourselves that there is

Create your vision board:

1. Set the scene

2. Choose your medium

3. Choose your timeline: 6-month, 1-year or even 5-year vision board

4. Get in the zone: ask yourself the questions: 1. How do I feel within myself? 2. What kind of relationships surround me? 3. What kind of home do I live in? 4. What is my profession? 5. What am I most proud of? 6. What do I want to change in my life? 7. What do I want to keep the same?

5. Separate your life into 6 categories: personal development, love and romance, career, friends and family, house/home, hobbies/leisure

6. Design your life: minimum of 3 things for each category, but there is no limit on how many things you can add to your vision board

7. Put it away

As the things on your vision board begin to manifest into your life and you begin to embody the person you have always wanted to be, your desires or goals may change or expand. As you grow, your dreams will grow, too. Go with the flow of it and be totally flexible with your visualisations. If you want to go back and add something to your vision board, or take something away, feel free to go and do that.

Remember: you are the designer, curator and architect of your life and you always have the power to rearrange, alter and dictate how you want it to look

We must first let go of the person we once were and the person we thought we should be 

Step 2: Remove Fear and Doubt

You can only manifest what you truly believe you are worthy of attracting into your life

Fear and doubt often mask themselves as friends; they tell you they’re protecting you from inevitable disappointment, when in reality they are actively holding you back from unlocking the abundance of the universe

When we give ourselves full permission to dream, our fears and doubts have nowhere to hide

Dream big and don’t hold back

To manifest anything into your life, and to do so effortlessly and effectively, you must believe you are worthy of having it. Read that again

You simply cannot manifest when fear and doubt stand in your way

A belief is formed when a thought has been repeated so many times that it has become automatic. Our beliefs drive our behaviour, so when a belief that we have is holding us back in some way, it becomes a limiting belief. Beliefs can be formed in childhood, adolescence and in adulthood

Identify your fear and doubt: 

1. Do I really believe I am worthy of it? 

2. Do I really trust that I would be able to handle it? 

3. Do I really believe it is possible for me? 

4. What insecurities do I currently have surrounding this? 

5. What limiting beliefs are holding me back?

What do I want to manifest? What fears and doubts do I have around this?

It is these limiting beliefs and insecurities that are currently holding you back from living your best life

Remove fear and doubt: 1. Master your thoughts 2. Watch your language 3. Use mantras 4. Practice visualisations

Be your own cheerleader

If we master our thoughts, we can change our emotional state, and if we change our emotional state, we can change our vibration. If we change our vibration, we change our reality

Choose to nourish our mind by replacing the negative thoughts with empowering ones

Remember: we manifest what we believe we are worthy of

Remove the word ‘if’ and replace it with ‘when’

Talk about what you do want, not what you don’t 

Accept compliments

Write down a mantra somewhere you will see it everyday, for example, as your phone screensaver or a note on your bathroom mirror. Whenever you see it, repeat it to yourself five times. I like to change my mantra once a week so that I give each one enough time to really let the message sink into my subconscious 

If you are working towards manifesting a specific goal, then listen to an affirmation track focused around that goal

Cultivate and practise self-love

Self-love is the driving force behind manifesting

Without self-love, you cannot manifest. There is no point in creating a vision board and talking about the life of your dreams of, day to day, you still treat yourself with disrespect 

Begin to cultivate self-love: 1. Become aware and mindful 2. Honour where you are 3. Honour where you want to be tomorrow 

The ultimate practice of self-love is perfectly balancing what you need today with what your future self needs tomorrow

We must acknowledge these 3 truths: 1. We were doing our best at the time. 2. There is always a valuable lesson to take from any and every experience. 3. We are not the same person we were then: we have since grown, evolved and matured.

No act of self-love is too great or too small. From drinking a glass of water to leaving a toxic relationship, everything we do defines who we are and who we become 

Step 3: Align Your Behaviour

Aligning your behaviour means showing the universe, in action, what you believe you deserve. This is because the way we behave is a direct reflection of our self-worth 

Being the energy you want to attract

To step into your power and to really shift your energy to attract the abundance you deserve, you must start behaving in a way that is aligned with the most empowered version of yourself and not the version of you that has been limited by fear and doubt

To effectively manifest, you must be clear in your vision, know that you are worthy of it and then you must be proactive in making it happen

Fake it until you become it

To manifest change, we must first create change. We must do something different, we must challenge our fears and doubts, we must act as our future self would act and we must show the universe how ready and willing we are to step into our power

The journey of manifesting is always accompanied with inspiration, creativity and an influx of ideas that will just come to you, seemingly out of nowhere

Ways to help you step outside your comfort zone: 1. Be clear in your why. 2. Remove excuses. 3. Don’t give up when faced with challenges. 4. The 5-second rule

We must expose our excuses for what they really are: an expression of our fear and doubt

One of the most common characteristics of any individual is their ability and willingness to persist through challenges

Create Healthy Habits

Journaling, mantras, affirmations, meditation, daily walks, skincare routines, long baths, self-care, breathwork, exercise, yoga, gratitude

True and lasting change is really created in the small changes that you make day to day

Healthy habits help us to embody the person that we want to become; in other words, be the energy we want to attract

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine


We are unstoppable magnetic when we are unapologetically ourselves

We must first learn to let go of who we think we should be, who other people expect us to be and who we once were.

Everytime we take action, we must recognise that we have a choice to make. The choice is this: ‘Do I behave to please others or do I behave to honour myself?’

Energy is directional: it is simply impossible to direct our energy towards seeking external validation while simultaneously directing it towards the person that we want to be or the thing that we want to manifest

Step 4: Overcome Tests from the Universe

These is something incredibly liberating and empowering about being able to say to yourself, ‘I am officially closing the door to my past.’ But to do this properly, you must do it fully.

Remember: to manifest what you want, you just believe you are worthy of it and your behaviour must align with that belief

Any time that you make a choice to ‘settle’ in any area of your life, you will block yourself from manifesting all of the things you desire most. This is because the act of settling for less than you deserve is driven from that low-vibe place of fear and doubt: fear that you aren’t really worthy of having what you truly desire and doubt that you will ever be able to manifest your dreams

Begin to look at all the areas of your life and ask yourself, ‘Where am I settling for something less than ideal? Where am I compromising my self-worth?’

Remember: your time and energy are your most valuable assets, so use them wisely

Scarcity mindset says that there is not enough love, happiness or success to go around for everyone

Abundance mindset trusts that there is plenty enough for everyone

Whenever a test appears, you can choose to respond from a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset

You have to apply this abundance mindset to everything in your life to be able to manifest the things you truly desire. Put back the things that aren’t right for you and know that you are worthy, and deserving, of having the things that are

When things don’t go the way you hoped they would, you are in fact being given your greatest opportunity to show up for yourself while building inner strength, resilience and courage.

‘Sometimes, when things are falling apart, they are really falling into place’ – Anonymous

When we overcome tests, we build something within us: an inner strength that is magnetic

Sometimes, the universe knows you are worth more than the thing you desire

Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn

Step 5: Embrace Gratitude (without caveats)

We attract what we feel

The power to manifest had always been in me, but I’d been using it in the wrong direction

Gratitude for the self: These are things that you can appreciate about yourself

Gratitude for your life: These are the things in your life that you appreciate

Gratitude for the world: These are the things you feel grateful for that are universal to us all

You have to be clear in your vision and about where you want to go while simultaneously being entirely grateful for all that you currently have: this is what I call the manifesting sweet spot

Allow the feeling of appreciation to shift your entire state of being. Feel the gratitude raise your vibe and keep you in an abundant mindset

The beauty of the world can only be experienced by someone who is willing to see it

Journaling techniques: 

1. Gratitude lists 

2. Positivity journal

The problems begin when we start to focus on the future at the expense of living in a mindful way

To cultivate gratitude, we must practise training ourselves to be more mindful. Whatever you are doing, make a conscious effort to be 100% there

On the road to manifesting your dreams, don’t forget to enjoy the journey that takes you there. Pay attention to the small, simple joys of life and be present in each day. Remember: a grateful heart is a magnet for miracles

Step 6: Turn Envy into Inspiration 

Social media is a playground for comparison and a fertile land for envy to grow in. We are shown endless images of who we think we should be or what our lives should look like. Whether it’s being constantly presented with the ‘perfect’ body, the dream house, a successful business, a heavenly holiday or an idyllic family, the ‘dream’ life is always being sold to us at the expense of our appreciation of our own

Envy is a representation of our fear – a fear that we might lose something we love and are emotionally and energetically invested in

Tearing other people down is a low vibe. Building people up is a high vibe.

Step 7: Trust in the Universe

Impatience is the enemy of manifesting

Make a choice not to wait but instead to live in the moment

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