Creator Bootcamp for Busy Professionals (CBBP)

I’ve been following Helmi Hasan’s Youtube channel 2 years ago when he was producing Personal Finance content. Not long after, he announced that he created his online course – the Creator Bootcamp for Busy Professionals (CBBP). I managed to buy his course on a very early bird promo with the intention of learning on how to build my personal brand.

It took me months to complete this course because I didn’t find some part relevant to me at that time as I wasn’t fully focused. However, once I have the right motivation and sufficient free time, I find most of the simple yet intuitive lessons from this bootcamp relevant to my journey on building up my personal website.

Here are 5 lessons that I learnt from the bootcamp:

Benefits of being a Content Creator

  1. Attract Genuine Customers to You – By focusing on creating quality content and providing value to your audience, you can build trust and authority within your niche, which will attract more customers to your business.
  2. Increase your income streams – You can monetize your content through affiliate marketing, displaying ads on your website or on your YouTube videos, sponsorships and even offer your own products or services online, such as courses, consulting, or coaching.
  3. Improve career options – You can use your online platforms to showcase your skills and expertise, making it easier for potential employers or clients to find you & help make you more desirable to potential employers.
  4. Network with unreachable influential people – You can reach out to people you admire and build relationships with them. This can open up new opportunities for collaboration, mentorship, and growth. 
  5. Work with your favorite brands – You can position yourself as a valuable partner for brands looking to reach new customers.

The secret to getting people to like you online

Position yourself as the ‘sharer,‘ a person who just went through the experience or is currently going through it & is simply sharing your journey. You’d come across as sincere & trustworthy.

Secrets to Finding Your Perfect Niche

  1. You’re selling yourself online (personal brand). This is #1.
  2. Your niche (content pillars) are the topics you happen to talk about to get attention & convince people to follow you.

Your Content Pillars & Sub-Topics

Each content pillar (niche) MUST be the intersection of your:

  1. Interest: Do you like this topic & can see yourself talking about it for years?
  2. Expertise:
    1. Has anyone paid you to do this? Or are you willing to put in a lot of effort to learn about it & document your journey? 
    2. Is there a paying market? Are other people making money on this topic? Are there other people who are making money selling the thing you want to sell?
  3. Experience: Do you have past experience (good & especially bad) around this topic?

The 3 content pillars should be broad topics. The subtopics are the mini-topics you can talk about within each content pillar. List as many subtopics as you can.

Content Pillar 1

  • Subtopic 1
  • Subtopic 2
  • Subtopic 3

Content Pillar 2

  • Subtopic 1
  • Subtopic 2
  • Subtopic 3

Content Pillar 3

  • Subtopic 1
  • Subtopic 2
  • Subtopic 3

Why 3 Content Pillars?

  1. 3 content pillars are enough to generate many content ideas.
  2. 3 content pillars won’t be too many topics to confuse your audience.
  3. You can change one of your content pillars in the future without losing your audience.

Helmi’s Copywriting & Storytelling (HCS) Formula

  1. What is your message (point of the content or CTA)? – Buy your product recommendations, join your email newsletter, follow you, fill out a form
  2. What is your target emotion to trigger? – Educate, Entertain, Inspiration
  3. PAS framework – Pain, Agitate, Solve


The lessons I included above are summarised for my own reference, but the bootcamp has a more comprehensive guide if you plan to expand your personal brand intentionally. Check out the Creator Bootcamp for Busy Professionals (CBBP) here!

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